Dark Goddess Retreat


Dark Goddess Retreat


A 3 day immersion for women in service ready to reclaim their power and embody their gifts.

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Held in the powerful land of Glastonbury this retreat will allow you to meet what's unresolved, let go of conditioning holding you back and step into your empowered self and medicine to serve the world in a deeper way.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” Carl G. Jung

Now more than ever we need more healers to step into their medicine and power and share it with the world.

You’re here because this is you.

Humanity needs you - medicine women - to remember who they are and what the feminine way holds for the greater picture. We need women in their power who can be examples of the new paradigm; women who understand their importance and role in this new world that is asking to be born. A world that supports LIFE. We are currently living in a system that is anti-life, anti-soul, anti-expansion. The world needs feminine leaders who shepherd humanity with integrity and care.

This is you.

It is in our darkness that we retrieve our light. Darkness has been vilified but that is where we spend the first 9 months of our lives, where the seed is plated to grow into a plant.

Darkness gestates life.

The Dark Goddess, aka the Dark Mother, exists Below, in the Underworld. She is the primordial feminine energy of transformation and has many faces and archetypes such as Kali, Cerridwyn, Persephone, Hecate, Medusa, Ereshkigal to name a few. She is an initiation into deeper layers of yourself (the parts we all resist delving into) that will support you in retrieving your power. She can be blunt. She can be tough. But she will always be acting on behalf of the highest aspect of Love.

The land of Avalon is one of the strongest lands when it comes to healing the Divine Feminine, the sacred, the mystical.

This is your time…

You are here because

- you are a healer who has a good understanding of the path, but now you are ready to go deeper,

- You have been called to embody your gifts; to share your medicine with the world but you are meeting resistance,

- You want to deepen + strengthen your relationship with the more than human,

- You know you are powerful, and want to learn to harness that power; to move away from using it in a destructive way and instead, channel it for your greater good and the greater good of all,

- Transform aspects of yourself that have been holding you back for so long- having tried many modalities to heal to no avail,

- Your vision feels blocked and you are questioning how to fully step into your gifts,

- You long for a long-lost sisterhood, recalling a creed of leading women that you have been connected to in the past and know that it is time that you reconnect with it again.

This retreat has been birthed to help you remember

- who you truly are beyond the constrictive patriarchal construct,

- your inherent wisdom and healing gifts that cost women their lives not long ago,

- your power and regain your life force to share with the world your medicine.

Over the years, I have witnessed deep and powerful transformation from retreat participants.

A retreat on the land of Avalon will help you

- Reconnect with your innate wisdom & inherent gifts

- Clear blocks that have kept you from fully embodying your essence, power and gifts.

- Welcome and heal your masculine energy to unify with the feminine to support you in taking action, giving form to your feminine wisdom and share it with the world.

It’s my mission to support women healers to remember their essence and to step into their power to share their medicine with the world.

To learn more about me and my work, head to https://akasha-awakening.com.

What to expect from the retreat

- Ancestral healing

- Cultural healing

- Healing the witch wound

- Move beyond the fear of the gift of healing

- Shift the persecution complex + imposter syndrome

- Looking at what blocks your power (narratives from childhood)

- Shamanic journeying

- Working with the elements

- Communing with Glastonbury’s sacred sites (Chalice Well, White spring, Abbey, The Tor) and working with the Land

- 1 hr integration group call (zoom) 10 days upon return to daily life (23rd November at 7.30 pm GMT)

What the retreat is not

- Group therapy

- Escapist spirituality; this is an embodied and grounded practice that is aimed at being practical and relatable in daily life

- A touristic journey to the sacred sites of Glastonbury

Important! Before you sign up make sure the below is in place:

This retreat will most probably bring up some deep aspects that you have carefully avoided for good reasons most of your life (hence the blocks), it is therefore important that you have a support system in place upon your return (eg, therapist, help w childcare, an anchor (person you can share your experience with), access to nature, etc.).

Make sure you have at least (!) one day to land when you go back home. No work or other big commitments. Staying on in Glastonbury for an extra day can be a good idea.

Guidelines for the retreat

- Your preparation will have an impact on the outcome of the retreat - the more time and focus you take to preprare, the clearer you'll be entering this space for deeper transformation.

- No alcohol or drug use (not even psychedelic microdosing) during the retreat

- Avoid stimulants (caffeine, nicotine, etc) and distractions as much as possible (minimum time spent on phone/soc media/speaking to loved ones)

Details + Investment

Friday 17th November (3 pm) to Sunday 19th November (3 pm)

Venue: Glastonbury center (exact address will be shared upon booking).

Please make travel arrangement that will insure that you are present at the opening and closing circles. If you are not able to do this, please reconsider your attendance.

Exchange £ 350

One concessions is available (£175)- pls email me at akasha7awakening@gmail.com with your circumstances. I count on your integrity and honesty if you ask for one.

This retreat is limited to 15 participants.


1. Who is this for?

Any healers. Not just in the traditional sense (hands, on, reiki, etc). I extend the concept of Healer to anyone who is here to raise collective and individual consicouness through their own medium of healing, ie. from MDs, therapists, NHS staff, coaches, herbalists to mothers, cooks, via artists. As long as you are one who is ready to meet yourself in a deeper way…

2. What to Bring?

More info will come in the confirmation emaill you'll receive upon booking.

3. What is not included in the price ?

- Travel costs to/from the retreat

- Meals. There will be teas + light snacks for breaks

- Accommodation. You will need to book your own accommodation that will allow you easy access to the venue, whcih is very central (on the high street). Glastonbury is full of B&Bs and AirBnBs.

4. What is the cancellation/refund policy?

Full refund: cancellation 14 days prior to retreat

50% refund: cancellation 7 days prior to retreat

No refund: under 7 days prior to retreat

This journey will be life changing- one way or another.

It has been calling you for a long time. You are now ready. It is time.

I am very much looking forward to facilitating this retreat for you and with you.

Deepest love,



Catherine Björksten is a holistic practitioner, specialising in supporting people who are going through a Spiritual Awakening. Her motto is integrated and embodied awakening. Following a career in marketing & advertising and becoming a mother of two, she went through a major awakening herself, which led her to study psychotherapy, spiritual counselling, shamanism and apprenticing with Indigenous leaders and mystical masters worldwide. Catherine believes in activating and empowering paradigm shifters by helping them remember who they truly are in essence as they are key representatives for the change Humanity needs. This is done through remembering the principles of an animistic way of life; showing people that they are part of the greater web by reconnecting them with nature, spirit, the Divine and each other.

She is the author of “You are Loved: Essential Spirit Guides and Guardians”, part of the Now Age series (Penguin, Random House), which aims at introducing different topics of spirituality to the wider public. “This book is an invitation into the realms of spirit in which I share from my own experience, and teachings from various ancient sacred lineages.”

Catherine has a private practice and consulted many years at the College of Psychic Studies in London, where she lives. She offers individual sessions, public speaking and facilitates workshops and retreats.

She provides a practical and grounded approach to spirituality to help people experience daily life as sacred; because it is!

Web: akasha-awakening.com

IG: @akasha_awakening

Email: akasha7awakening@gmail.com